Finding Myself

I've been divorced for 7 years now. It took me, probably close to 5 or 6 years, to remember who I was before-when I liked myself. You know what I mean? When I tell people, who are struggling through divorce, my story-i tell them that it was like I had been drowning and suddenly I reached the surface, took that first full breath of air, and looked around to figure out where I was. It took me time to discover myself again. To find out what I liked and didn't like, without relying on someone else's opinion or worrying about what they wanted. It was both liberating and scary. It's about liking yourself again and maybe discovering new things about yourself along the way. It's about forgiveness, for your own peace of mind, and moving forward.

I have found myself with more time for me, which is kinda scary but exciting at the same time. As a mom and a wife, us women don't really get a lot of time to think about what we might like to do for ourselves or even cook for ourselves...what a concept! Haha! So, I am enjoying the process of finding myself, finding new things to learn and discover, enjoying taking pictures of my small country town, finding the peace in being alone but not lonely; and I hope you enjoy and take this journey with me! 

Thanks for stopping by!


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