How To Save Money While Shopping!

How To Save While Shopping I love to shop! I have loved to shop since I was a little girl! I don't mean groceries. I mean makeup, skincare, clothes, thing-a-ma-bobs, and doo-dads. It has been a real problem for me, in the past, and has slowed down my savings plan. As I've grown older, I have realized retirement isn't really that far away and time moves too quickly. We need to save our nickels and dimes wherever we can and I'm going to share some tips on how to save while shopping. After all, we all need toilet paper, bread, and something to drink, don't we? 😃 As we grow older, from youth to adult, your money may have moved from a porcelain piggy to a bank account, but the importance of saving it hasn't changed. Whether saving for a new toy or bike, or for a new car or retirement, the discipline of saving money hasn't changed. Everybody has to go shopping. Although many people hate it, it is still a necessary inconvenience that must be done. In order...