7 Ways To Practice Self-Love
Whether you’re single, in a relationship, married, divorced (like me), or anything in-between, self-care and self-love are so incredibly important. I am extremely passionate about taking care of myself, emotionally, mentally, and physically, and helping others do the same. Here’s a few different ideas of ways to show yourself a little love today (or any day):
- Social Media Break: even if it’s only for a few hours, power down your phone to disconnect for a little bit. This is incredibly hard to do not only because of social media, but also because of the expectations of our circles to always be “on.” Between Facebook, Instagram, group chats, emails, app updates, our phones are constantly lighting up. I’ve found disconnecting from my phone for even a few hours is so good for my well-being.
- Forgive Yourself: kicking yourself over what you could’ve or should’ve done or said this week? Maybe you feel like you said the wrong thing to a loved one or in a meeting, or should’ve handled something differently and now you can’t stop beating yourself up about it. I do this often. Write down whatever it is you’re beating yourself up over and decide, “today is the day I am going to forgive myself.” And let. that. stuff. go. Crumple that paper up and throw it away. Because regret is a super heavy emotion. And you’re human. And you’re allowed to make mistakes. And you don’t deserve to carry that heavy emotion around like a black cloud over your head.
3. Fill Your Schedule…with time for yourself: in your phone, in a planner, or just mentally… schedule some dedicated time slots in the upcoming week for YOU. To relax, to pursue a hobby, to nap, to work out, to give yourself a mini facial-complete with sheet masks (my favorite), to do whatever it is you want to do most. Then, treat it like it is as important as a dinner date with a friend, including saying “no” to other plans, because your plans and time with yourself are just as important as your obligations to others.

4. Stretch: if you don’t have time to get your body moving, try to do a quick stretching routine, like this one. Put on your favorite music and see how good your body feels afterward! 
5. Order Some Books: Nothing excites me more than reading books that help me grow. Being able to set time aside for myself AND learn in the process is one of my favorite things. If you’re not sure where to start, I highly recommend Big Magic-Creative Living Beyond Fear. This book kickstarted my journey of being a little kinder and more gentle with myself (confession: I cried while reading it because I realized just how hard I was on myself sometimes, and I felt like Elizabeth Gilbert, the author, was speaking directly to me). I also love Find Your Happy, especially for those of you who are in a "blah" part of life, and Adventures For Your Soul, for anyone looking to “show up” a bit more to their biggest challenges and dreams. I just ordered If I Were Your Girl and The Potion Diaries last night-recommended by Zoella on YouTube.
6. Quick Clean Of Your Most Lived-In Spaces: I don’t know about you, but I always feel so much better when my space is organized. It can be overwhelming to think about all the different spaces you’re in each day… so just pick one (hopefully the one you spend the most time in) and spruce it up a bit. Hopefully, it brings you a little more joy the next time you step into it. I love watching Cas from Clutterbug on YouTube! She is so insightful and really gets me motivated to organize and declutter in just 15 minutes a day.

7. Positive Affirmations: I love surrounding myself with positive words. Whether it’s a framed print, a note from my kids, a phone lock screen, or saving Instagram & Pinterest posts to go back to, I love when uplifting messages find their way into my day. Identify a few places you can insert positive affirmations into your day. Ever hear the saying, "you are who you hang around"? I think this is so true and as I've grown older, I have made the decision to be pickier with who I hang out with-socially. I don't need to burden myself with those people who can never say anything nice about anyone or judge everything out there.

I hope these tips on self-love have helped you as much as they've helped me! Until next time! 😁🕉💜

5. Order Some Books: Nothing excites me more than reading books that help me grow. Being able to set time aside for myself AND learn in the process is one of my favorite things. If you’re not sure where to start, I highly recommend Big Magic-Creative Living Beyond Fear. This book kickstarted my journey of being a little kinder and more gentle with myself (confession: I cried while reading it because I realized just how hard I was on myself sometimes, and I felt like Elizabeth Gilbert, the author, was speaking directly to me). I also love Find Your Happy, especially for those of you who are in a "blah" part of life, and Adventures For Your Soul, for anyone looking to “show up” a bit more to their biggest challenges and dreams. I just ordered If I Were Your Girl and The Potion Diaries last night-recommended by Zoella on YouTube.
6. Quick Clean Of Your Most Lived-In Spaces: I don’t know about you, but I always feel so much better when my space is organized. It can be overwhelming to think about all the different spaces you’re in each day… so just pick one (hopefully the one you spend the most time in) and spruce it up a bit. Hopefully, it brings you a little more joy the next time you step into it. I love watching Cas from Clutterbug on YouTube! She is so insightful and really gets me motivated to organize and declutter in just 15 minutes a day.

7. Positive Affirmations: I love surrounding myself with positive words. Whether it’s a framed print, a note from my kids, a phone lock screen, or saving Instagram & Pinterest posts to go back to, I love when uplifting messages find their way into my day. Identify a few places you can insert positive affirmations into your day. Ever hear the saying, "you are who you hang around"? I think this is so true and as I've grown older, I have made the decision to be pickier with who I hang out with-socially. I don't need to burden myself with those people who can never say anything nice about anyone or judge everything out there.

I hope these tips on self-love have helped you as much as they've helped me! Until next time! 😁🕉💜
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