Being A Good Friend

Are YOU someone that you'd pick to be friends with, if given the choice? Are we being a good friend?

Life is so busy these days! When I had a moment to slow down, I realized that it'd been a while since I'd spoken to some girlfriends of mine. Sure, I hadn't heard a peep from them either, but I thought I'd better check in on them and say “Hi”. It doesn't take very long to shoot a quick email, a short text, or even a quick call to say hi and that you were thinking of them. Sometimes, it just might make their day!

Tips On How To Be A Good Friend:

Make sure they're okay the moment you sense something wrong… Sometimes we get that pit in our stomach that says something might be wrong. Give them a quick shout and see how they are doing. You may be glad you did.

Know when to be serious and when to be goofy…. Have you ever noticed that you can say something to a friend, on one day, and they'll think it's funny BUT if you say the same thing on a different day, they take it all wrong?? We all have those days that are long, hard, or just plain painful and we take things differently than the way they were intended. Be in tune and know how your friend is feeling today. 😊

Go the extra mile when they ask for help.… We've ALL needed help at one time or another. Asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness or failure. Don't make your friend feel bad about asking for help by complaining or being sarcastic. Be there- whether it's a ride to work, a meal for their family, or even your couch for the night. Hey, they'd do it for you! 👍

Don't give up on them during their darkest hours…. Sometimes all someone needs is you sitting quietly next to them. Just be there for them. Give them a call, if you can't physically be there. Send a flower bouquet. Making an effort to reach out to show them you care.

Make them feel wanted.... We all need friends. Life is lonely sometimes. Let your friends know that you're thinking about them. Write an actual letter. Take them to lunch. Secretly send flowers to their work. Meet up with the girls for happy hour or game night, once a week. Meet a friend for a movie night, once a month. Invite them to join an online book club with you. There are lots of little things we can do with our friends that let them know they are definitely wanted and appreciated.

Tell them, “I've always got your back,” at least once (and mean it) Isn't it an amazing feeling to know that you have the support of your friends?!! No matter what, you can count on them??!!! Let's be that support for our friends. Let's make sure they know we are there for them, no matter what.

We are all busy, but life goes by so quickly. Kids grow up and we may find we have more time but no friends. Friends are a blessing, let's appreciate and care for them!


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