How To Set And Achieve Your Goals!
Life is complicated, so setting and achieving goals should be as simple as possible.
How? By not overloading our lives with too many goals. In fact, the fewer goals we set ourselves the more likely we are to succeed. Let’s keep things simple, and focus our energy on a smaller number of goals.
Make A List:
Life is complicated, so setting and achieving goals should be as simple as possible.
How? By not overloading our lives with too many goals. In fact, the fewer goals we set ourselves the more likely we are to succeed. Let’s keep things simple, and focus our energy on a smaller number of goals.
Make A List:
When I want to make changes to my life, am determined to accomplish something, or just feel I’ve lost track, I start making a list. I list everything I must achieve, everything I hope to achieve and everything I would like to achieve. I don’t hold back, if it pops into my head, it goes on the list. I know that I will probably revise it, so I give myself permission to make my list as long and as complex as I like.
The Life Changer:
The Life Changer:
When I have my list, I take a good, long look at it. I try to figure out which of my goals, if achieved, would have the most impact on my life. I then choose the goals which would make the biggest difference to my life within 6 months – or even less. I then choose which one I’m going to tackle. I make sure to only pick the goal that I feel fiercely passionate about – the one that gets me excited and I KNOW I’ll be chomping at the bit to achieve. Passion is key here or I know I’ll lose motivation.
Write It Down:
When have my goal I condense it down to 5 or 6 written words, print it out and pop it somewhere I can see it every day. I also set it as a screensaver on my computer or write in my journal. These act as a constant reminders of why I’m doing what I’m doing on a daily basis. Some goals aren’t easy, there are days when I know my motivation will be low, reading the reason behind the struggle serves as a booster to my resolve.
Plan It Out:
Plan It Out:
I ask myself what I can do every month to bring myself closer to achieving my goal. The aim is to create a list of small, bite-sized goals. I ask myself what I can do, what challenges I can set myself, what pieces of the puzzle I can fit together to make my goal become a reality.
When I’ve worked out what I can do every month, I then do the same for every week, then every day. Achieving these small victories on a daily basis keeps me highly motivated!
When I’ve worked out what I can do every month, I then do the same for every week, then every day. Achieving these small victories on a daily basis keeps me highly motivated!
Choose a goal, focus on smaller, short-term gains and keep giving yourself a daily pep talk. And don’t sweat the ‘failures’. We all fail from time to time, it’s how we handle those failures and turn them into a positive part of our lives that makes us stronger.
But hang on a sec, what if I have more than one goal? Having a whole heap of goals is fine – it’s what keeps us motivated to change, to evolve, to make a better life for ourselves. Yet having too many goals at once can have the opposite effect. Our lives may become overloaded and achieving our goals will become a chore instead of challenge. By all means have more than one goal, but try not to pull your life in too many different directions at once. I honestly believe that achieving fewer goals at a time will give you the confidence you need to keep adding more goals to your list.
Success is an incredible motivator. So think achievable, think fewer goals, and think positive. You CAN do this!!
Another great motivator is Cas from Clutterbug, on YouTube! One view of any of her videos and you'll be motivated to tackle anything!
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