10 Ways To Spread Happiness

The world can be a fast-paced, isolated place. We all have moments of loneliness. Sometimes, we forget we are part of a community. It only takes a minute to make someone smile or to pay it forward. It only takes one. My daughter says I talk to everyone and I've never met a stranger. She doesn't know how I do it. It takes practice and today is a good day to start! Let's spread some happiness! Comment below how you spread happiness 😊

  1. Smile at strangers and greet everyone with a smile 😊
  2. Send flowers anonymously to a co-worker or friend
  3. Pay for the person behind you in the coffee or fast food drive-thru
  4. Put the phone down in a social situation
  5. Give an authentic compliment to a stranger
  6. While driving, let someone pass or pull out in front of you
  7. Say Hi to your neighbors
  8. Send a card to an elderly neighbor
  9. Listen more than you talk
  10. Ask someone if they need help


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